In this article:
Once you have set up stock management, there are multiple ways that you can stock in a product.
Stock in via Stock Level page
On the backend:
Go to Stock Management > Stock Level
Click the + button
Select the Location and the Stock In amount, then click Save
4. The stock amount will update accordingly.
Stock in via Stock Details page
Instead of clicking the + button, click the pencil button
2. Under Transaction List, click Stock In
3. Select which Location you are stocking into
4. Enter the Stock In amount
5. (OPTIONAL) Add a Note
6. Click Save
7. The table will update:
A Stock In transaction will be recorded under the Purchases column
Any stock movement (stock in, out, transfer) will also be recorded under the Movement column
The new final total of stock will appear under Balance
Bulk Import Stock
Import stock numbers in bulk either by performing a Bulk Stock In or a Bulk Stocktake Import.
Bulk Stock In (adds to existing stock numbers)
Create a CSV file
Enter the headers in the first row: "Product Code" and "StockIn"
Enter the corresponding stock data in the rows underneath
4. Save as a CSV file (.csv)
5. Go to POS Settings > Bulk Import
6. Import the CSV file as a Product file