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How to view Stock Levels

Interpreting your stock levels in the Stock module

Kevin Cheav avatar
Written by Kevin Cheav
Updated over 4 months ago


When you have stock management set up, you can view your stock levels on the backend.

How to view stock levels

On the backend:

  1. Go to Stock Management > Stock Level

  2. All "stock" products will appear here with the amount of stock in each Location

How to view stock management history

On the backend:

  1. Go to Stock Management > Stock Level

  2. Click the pencil button

  3. Under Transaction List, the table will show numbers underneath the columns that related to your stock management activity:

  • Stock out shows as "Sales/Usage"

  • Stock in shows as "Purchases"

  • Transferred stock shows as "Transfer In" (when transferred to a specific location) "Transfer Out" (when transferred out of a specific location)

  • Wastage shows as wastage

  • Stocktake shows as stocktake

The table will also show the overall movement and balance, with any accompanying notes that you have filled in.

  • Stock Qty refers to the total amount of stock in a location.

  • Available Qty refers to the stock quantity minus the number waiting for dispatch (e.g. from online ordering).

  • Click the arrow button (^) to the left of a product to view its quantity in each location

Note: Only items that you have marked as stock items (Products > Product Details > Stock Management) will appear on the Stock Level page.

Stock Details

To view and manage a single product's stock information, click the Edit (pencil) button to the right of a product in the Stock Management page.

This will take you to the Stock Details page.

Export Stock Information

To export the stock information, click Export in the Stock Management page to download a CSV file.


If you ever want to download a CSV file of your stock transactions for a selected product:

  1. Click the pencil button next to the product on the Stock Level page

  2. Under the Transaction list, click Export.

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