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Working items

When to use working items and how to set them up

Kevin Cheav avatar
Written by Kevin Cheav
Updated over 8 months ago

In this article:


A "working item" is a specific type of product especially made for advanced stock management users.

A working item is in the middle stage of completion, between "ingredient" and final "item".



Working Items

  • Each Product is an Item by default

  • An Item is the finished product given to the customer

  • At a bare minimum, all you need are Items

  • The stock of an item reduces as it is sold

  • Each Ingredient must be set manually

  • An Ingredient must be set as an Ingredient of an Item

  • More than one Ingredient can be linked to an Item

  • As the Item gets used up (sold), the corresponding Ingredients are also used up (the stock goes down)

  • Each Working Item must be set manually

  • A Working Item must be set as an Ingredient of an Item

  • More than one Working Item can be linked to an Item

  • It is made up of other Ingredients

  • As the Item gets used up (sold), the Working Item is also used up (the stock goes down)

For most Stock Management purposes, you will only need to regulate your Items, and sometimes Ingredients.

If you use the Stock Management app, you may also want to create daily Preparation Lists. Preparation lists will look at how much of each ingredient you used in the past and instruct you how much you will need for the future. To use this feature, you will also need to create Working Items, which are the middle stage between the Ingredient and the final Item.

How to set up Working Items

For example, if you bake cakes, you may want to see how much milk, flour, and eggs you should purchase for the next week, based on the previous week of sales.

In this case, you will need to:

  1. Create the Ingredient(s): eggs, flour, milk, sugar, cornstarch

  2. Create the Working Item(s): the cake batter and icing

  3. Create the Item: the final cake product

  4. Set the eggs, flour, and milk as Ingredients of the cake batter

  5. Set the cake batter as an Ingredient of the cake

  6. Set the sugar and cornstarch as Ingredients of the icing

  7. Set the icing as an Ingredient of the cake

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