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HQ user management

How to manage your users if you manage the headquarters of a multi-site account

Kevin Cheav avatar
Written by Kevin Cheav
Updated over a week ago

In this article:


If you have several stores, they will be managed under the "HQ" site.

Most of your staff will be managed through the "child" (non-HQ) sites, but you can grant access for specific users to access HQ or other child sites.

Promote Users to HQ

  1. In your child site, go into the User Details

  2. Click Promote to HQ

You will need to enter an admin username and password to proceed with the promotion.

3. A new User Access section will appear at the bottom of the page. Scroll down and set your user's Access Type for the other sites, including HQ.

3. The next time they log into the backend, they will see the Default company they have access to (set in the previous step).

Configure user access for different sites

To get a broader overview of your users across sites:

  1. in your HQ account, go to Configuration > Partner Company.

2. Click the pencil button to the right of a site and scroll down to User Access.
3. Under the User Access section of the Company Details, you can see all the
current users and their access type (system role) for that site.

To enable a user from another site to access this site, click Add User Access. Then you select that user and select the access type required for this site.


Switching between sites

All the sites that you have access to will be listed in Sites.

Your current site will be listed in bold. To switch to another site, click the login button to the right of a site.

You can then go back to the Company Partnership page and review the user access for that site, too.

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