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Holding Orders
Kevin Cheav avatar
Written by Kevin Cheav
Updated over a week ago

In this article:

  • Holding an item

  • Held Orders screen

Holding an item

Not all items on an order have to be sent at the same time; some can be held.

This means that even when you press SEND, the held item will not be sent to the printer.

Holding orders is useful for when your customer wants to order their dessert now, but only have it come out in half an hour.

The two screenshots below show how a held item remains not sent whereas the other items on the order are sent.

Every held item is highlighted in yellow on the Point of Sale.

(The currently selected item is highlighted blue.)

Before Sending

Note: Ensure that you Enable Hospitality Mode in Settings.

After sending, go to Held Orders and tap the order tile to bring it to the Point of Sale screen.

Holding an Individual Item (Manual)

If you wish to hold an individual item, swipe left on that item. Press OPTIONS.

A window will pop up with Item Options. Select the tiles on the right to correspond to how long you or your customer wish an order to be held for (eg. 5 mins, or 1 hour 15 mins), after which the order will automatically send. Alternatively, just press LATER to hold the item for an unspecified period of time.

Note: If you choose to press LATER, you will need to return to the order manually (via Held Orders) to send through the item.

Any held item will immediately be highlighted in yellow.

When you press SEND, the highlighted held order will not be sent.

Holding an Individual Item (Automatic)

For some items, such as desserts, you may wish it to be held automatically.

To do this, go to the Product Details of the item. Access the Advanced Settings tab, scroll down, and tick Held By Default. Press SAVE.

Whenever this item is ordered in the future, it will be "held" (highlighted yellow) by default.

Holding a Whole Order

To hold a whole order, press ORDER DETAILS.

A window with Order Details will pop up.

Select the tiles on the right to correspond to how long you or your customer wish an order to be held for (eg. 5 mins, or 1 hour 15 mins), after which the order will automatically send. Alternatively, just press LATER to hold the item for an unspecified period of time.

Note: If you choose to press LATER, you will need to return to the order manually (via Held Orders) to send through the item.

Access all held orders on the Held Orders Screen.

Held Orders Screen

The Held Orders screen shows all the orders where the transaction has not yet been closed.

When an order has been sent from the POS screen, it will appear in the Held Orders screen.

Note: The held orders screen in the slave iPad only displays orders sent by that slave (when in restaurant mode, only orders without a table attached will show in the slave’s held orders, e.g. takeaway), whereas the held orders screen in the master iPad displays orders sent by all iPads.

Held orders are shown in a chronological sequence, from the oldest order to the newest. A timer on the top left of each order displays how long ago the order was first placed. This means that even if an older order is accessed and items are added onto it, it will keep its place in the queue. Order numbers will always be ascending.

Each order tile displays the following information:

Cost: The total cost of the order

Order Time: The time that the order was first placed

Type: Eat In, Takeaway, Delivery, or Buzzer. For eat-in orders where a table number has been attributed, the table number will display. For orders designated to buzzers, the buzzer number will display.

Customer: The name of the customer if attributed to the order in the POS screen.

Any order from the Held Orders screen can be brought onto the Point of Sale screen by tapping it. All items that have been sent will be highlighted in grey. If you are viewing a held order and are not closing the transaction, ensure that you tap HOLD (where the SEND button usually is) to place it back in the Held Orders screen.

New orders can be created by tapping NEW. Tapping UPDATE will pull down orders from other terminals if they have not been automatically synchronised.

A particular order can be found by tapping the search field and entering the table number, order number, or customer's name. Note: Only held orders will be shown, that is, orders which have been made where the transaction is not yet completed.

By default, after viewing or working on an order, the POS will show the Table Map (if Restaurant Mode is enabled), or stay on the POS screen. If you wish it to show the Held Orders screen instead, enable Focus On Held Orders under Settings > System > General.

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