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POS Menu

How to edit your POS menu

Kevin Cheav avatar
Written by Kevin Cheav
Updated over a week ago

In this article:


When you get started with Abacus, one of our Client Success Engineers will create a POS menu for you. You can create additional menus if, for example, you want to get the next season's menu ready to be published when that season rolls around.

To view all your available POS menus:

1. Log into the backend

2. Go to iPad Menu > POS Menu

3. All your POS menus will be listed, including any POS menus that have been converted for online ordering.

Note that only menus which are Published (with a tick underneath the Published column) will be accessible on your POS.

From your POS Menu list, you can:

a) Edit your menu - click the pencil button

b) Download a CSV file of your menu - click the download button

c) Duplicate the menu (e.g. if you want to use one as a basis for the next menu)

d) Permanently remove a menu entirely - click delete. Note that you can also un-publish a menu as a way of hiding the menu from the POS without losing it.

How to create a new default menu (video)

A "default" menu is a menu that is automatically designed based on your products list.

In a default menu, all your Products will appear as items on your menu, organised within the Categories that are assigned to them.

To create a default menu:

  1. Go to iPad Menu > POS Menu

  2. Click Add POS Menu, enter a name and then click the Edit (pencil) icon

  3. This will take you to POS Menu Design page.

  4. Click Create Default Menu. This will automatically create a menu based on your Products list.
    โ€‹Important: You must not click this button if you already have a menu set up on this screen, as it will overwrite what you have there.

  5. Make any changes if you wish (see Editing a menu below)

  6. Click Publish.

7. Sync the menu on the POS

How to edit the POS Menu on your iPad (video)

This video shows you how to edit the POS menu using just the iPad (without accessing the backend).

How to edit a POS menu on the backend

There are two main elements to a menu that you can create and edit, and rearrange (through drag and drop):

  • Menu tabs - group, product, note

  • Menu items - group, product, note

These are your Menu Tabs.

To create a new Menu Tab, click Add Tab

To edit a Menu Tab, click on the pencil icon next to a tab.

A Menu Tab can be set as a:

  • Group (recommended) - a folder in which you house your products

  • Product - if you want quick access to a product

  • Note - if there's a particular note that you will regularly print

When you click a Menu Tab, you will see your Menu Items on the right side of the screen.

A Menu Item can be set as a:

  • Product (recommended)

  • Group - a folder in which you house more products

  • Note - if there's a particular note that you will regularly print

To add a Product to your Menu Tile, you should:

  1. Create a Product in the Products page (and save!)

2. Go to Menu > Add Item

3. Search for your product then select it

To edit an existing Product, click on it directly

To edit a Group, click on the pencil icon.

(To get out of a Group that you have opened, click the white up arrow that appears at the top of the menu when you are inside the group.)

To edit a Note, click on it directly

Saving edits

Whenever you edit your menu, you must:

  1. Click Publish

  2. Sync the menu on your POS.

IMPORTANT: For changes to be visible on the POS, you must click Publish, otherwise the changes will remain in draft mode.

3. Sync the menu on the POS

Import a menu from CSV file (advanced users only)

Instead of designing the menu using the interface, you can import one as a CSV file.

Click Import from the POS Menu list and select the POS menu CSV file.

Note: You can get a sample POS menu CSV file template from POS Settings > Bulk Import (select Menu). The template for Table Ordering Menu and POS Menu are the same, however, only the POS Menu can have products at the category/tab level.

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