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Email Templates
Kevin Cheav avatar
Written by Kevin Cheav
Updated over a week ago

Several actions trigger emails to be sent, e.g. when a customer makes a reservation, when you send an invoice, when your customer orders a gift card online.

Some of these email templates can be viewed and edited via the Email Templates page.

Edit Email Templates

  1. Go to Configuration > Email Templates.

  2. If you do not already have email templates, click Create Default Template Emails and select Add Missing Templates.

3. Click the pencil icon on the right of a template.

4. Depending on the email type, you can edit:

  • Sender (which email address this email comes from).

  • Sender name (the name that accompanies your email address).

  • CC (you can send yourself a copy of the email).

  • Subject.

  • Email Body.

  • Description (the text in the Email templates table on the previous page that describes the purpose of the email).

Note: you cannot edit the body of emails that have no email body, but you can still edit the sender details.

5. Click Save.

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