If you want to set up a separate printer just for takeaway orders, you'll need to make sure that all takeaway orders are sent to that printer.
Click New Printer Location
Call this location "Takeaway"
3. Let's say you already have a "Kitchen" printer location set up for most of your products. You still want Kitchen products to go to the Kitchen, unless they are takeaway orders. Click the small arrow button next to "Kitchen" to show extra options.
4. Click Add New Record
5. Select your Order Type (e.g. Takeaway)
6. Set the Target Location as Takeaway.
7. (OPTIONAL) If you want the kitchen printer to still receive takeaway orders, too, set Kitchen as a second target printer.
8. Repeat steps 3-7 for any other existing printer locations that you want to redirect to the Takeaway printer (e.g. if you want takeaway drinks to print at the takeaway printer)
Next, you'll need to update your Printing Templates.
Update Printing Templates
Go to Printing Templates. A new template will have been generated: "Order Docket - Takeaway".
2. Click the pencil button next to "Order Docket - Takeaway" to edit it.
3. Set the Printer Location as "Takeaway"
4. Save.
5. On the POS, sync receipt templates.
6. Assign your Takeaway Printer to the Takeaway Printer location as per standard procedure. (See How do I configure printer locations in the app?)
7. Finally, when you put through a Takeaway order, it will print at the Takeaway Printer!