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How to edit the Products on the iPad (Retail)

Add products and edit existing products on the POS terminal

Kevin Cheav avatar
Written by Kevin Cheav
Updated over a week ago

While you have full flexibility to edit products on the backend (, you also have the ability to edit product details directly on the Abacus POS terminal (iPad). This is only possible on the Master POS. If you are unsure about what a Master POS is, click here. You will need connection to the internet to edit products on the terminal.

If you are in the hospitality industry, you will follow a different method; click here.

1. Log into the Master POS terminal. Go to the Products screen. You will see a list of all your products. You can tap on a product to highlight that row, to easily see the properties of that row.

In this example, we are going to change the price of the Anchor fairisle dress (size 1) from $69.95 to $65.

2. Tap the pencil icon on the right of a product to view its properties and change them.

Alternatively, tap Add Product if you wish to add a product to the system.

The properties that you will probably want to change are marked with an asterisk (*):

*Product Name: This is the product name as will appear on the POS device.

*Product Code: This is the unique code assigned to that product, the barcode number. If you tap this field and scan a barcode, the barcode number will appear. It is the number that will print with the barcode if you press Label (a label printer must be attached).

Print Name: This is the alternative name of the product that will be printed (eg. abbreviating or printing in another language).

Updated On: This is the date and the time when the product was last updated.

Product Category: This is the category or categories to which your item belongs.

*Price (Including Tax): This is the price of the product, including GST (Goods and Services Tax).

Price (Excluding Tax): This is the price of the product, excluding GST (Goods and Services Tax).

Taxable: This indicates whether the product is taxable or not.

Preset Weight: If a product requires weighing, this is the preset weight of the product (eg. for packaging) to be deducted from the weight detected on the scales.

Unit: This is the unit of measurement for the product- box(es), dozen(s), item(s), litres, or kilograms. This can be left blank.

Weight Required: This indicates if this product requires weighing. You will need scales to be set up with the POS for this function to work.

Open Item: An "Open Item" is one which requires manual price input. This should not be ticked except for very specific circumstances.

Auto Access Variants: This is more relevant for the hospitality industry than the retail industry, as it affects the point of sales menu layout, whereas for retail you will be using barcodes. Auto Access Variants means that when taking an order, tapping a product with variants will automatically prompt the user to choose the variants as well (eg. tapping "Eggs on toast" will prompt the user to choose "Poached", "Scrambled", etc.). In most cases, this should be ticked, but it will not matter for barcode items.

Voucher: This indicates whether the product is a voucher.

Stock Item: This indicates whether the product is a stock item.

Product Cost: This is the cost of the product.

Suppliers: These are the suppliers.

Add Photo: If you wish there to be an image displayed here, you may add an image from the photo gallery or from the camera.

Short Description: If you wish there to be a short description for the product here, you may add that.

Print Locations: This is where the receipt will print.

3. Tap Update to apply any changes. If you are adding a new product and do not already have a label for it, press Label to print out a barcode with the product code above (a label printer must be set up) and press Stock In to enter the stock amount.

In this example, the price of the Anchor fairisle dress (size 1) has been changed from $69.95 to $65.

4. Press Back to return to the product list.

Note: If the green success banner is in the way, tap it to make it disappear.

The changes have been applied, although they will not be visible in the list straight away. If you wish to see the changes, you can either search the product's name in the search field, or you can just press Search to refresh the page.

Note: This item is highlighted/selected for your reference; the application will not automatically highlight changed items. Tap an item to highlight it.

You have now edited a product on the terminal.

5. Repeat the procedure to change any other items.

In this example, only size 1 of the Anchor fairisle dress has been affected; steps 2 to 4 will need to be repeated for the other Anchor fairisle dress sizes.

6. Tap NOTIFY CLIENTS to synchronise the changes to any other terminals. All changes will have been automatically made to the server.

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