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Sales Reports

A broad overview of your everyday reporting options

Kevin Cheav avatar
Written by Kevin Cheav
Updated over 4 months ago

This article covers:

  • Reports on POS

  • Daily POS print-outs

  • Start Trading Time (report hours)

  • Dashboard

  • Sales Activity

  • Top Selling Products

  • Tender report

  • Sales by Category Report

  • Open Drawer History

  • Ways to filter reports

Please note that these are the reports that are available to a standard basic POS user. We offer more advanced Business Intelligence reports to users subscribed to the Business Intelligence module.

Before you continue

Are you looking for your sales reports specifically for GST-reporting or accounting purposes? Read How do I view sales for accounting and GST-reporting purposes? first!

Reports on POS

On your POS iPad device, go to the Reports tab to access your various reports.

Print report

  • Press Print at the top left corner of any report to print it from your POS receipts printer.

Filter report

Tap the grey date fields to filter which period you want to analyse your sales.
On the Sales by Categories and Top Selling Products reports, you can choose to:

  • Filter by session

  • Filter by period

If you filter by session, you are filtering your sales within a certain timespan for each individual day.
e.g. If you filter by session for Monday-Wednesday, 10am-5pm, you're going to get the sales for:
Monday 10am-5pm + Tuesday 10am-5pm + Wednesday 10am-5pm
This will exclude any sales on Monday at 6pm, Tuesday 9am, etc.

If you filter by period, you are filtering your sales across a certain timespan for a range of dates.
e.g. If you filter by period for Monday-Wednesday, 10am-5pm, you're going to get sales for:
Monday 10:00am-11:59pm + all of Tuesday + Wednesday 12:00am-5:00pm
This will exclude any sales made at exactly 10:00am on Monday and at exactly 5:00pm on Wednesday.

The visibility of these reports will depend on what user is accessing them and what permissions you have set up.

Daily POS print-outs

There are three daily reports you can print from your POS printer when you close your register at the end of the day:

  • Sales Summary: your day's sales across all tender types, and the opening and closing cash

  • Sales Item Report (a.k.a Top Selling Products report): a list of each product that was sold

  • Sales Category Report: a list of each product that was sold, organised in categories

On the Abacus backend, you have access to a larger variety of reports. This article will mention some of the reports that are available to you.

Start Trading Time (report hours)

Each report runs from 12:00AM to 12:00AM each day, to encompass a day's operations.

However, if you operate until 3:00AM, for example, you may wish to alter your Start Trading Time so that your report runs from 3:00AM to 3:00AM.

  1. Go to Configuration > Company Profile

  2. Change the Start Trading Time

  3. Save

Please note that this is currently only supported in:

  • Dashboard Today's Sales graph (backend)

  • Sales Activity (backend > Reports > Sales > Sales Activity)

  • Usage report (backend > Reports > Sales > Stock)

  • Tax report (backend > Sales > Tax Report)

  • Sales Summary (Pocket Manager)

  • Top Selling Products (Pocket Manager)


The dashboard displays the sales overview of your company, such as:

  • Sales - total amount of sales

  • Number of transactions

  • COGS - cost of goods sold, based on your ingredient costs

  • Deleted Transaction Total

  • Deleted Transactions (number of)

  • Order Discounts - how much was discounted from a whole order

  • Item Discounts - how much was discounted from a particular item, as opposed to a whole order

  • Avg. Spent Per Person - the amount of each transaction where there has been a guest count associated, which excludes takeaway sales.

Note: The figures relating to labour are based on confirmed shifts in the roster, rather than approved time sheets. This is only applicable for Roster module users.

In addition, the dashboard displays a graph of sales and temperature against time. At the top of the graph, there are weather icons for each time of day.

The dashboard also displays a weather forecast for the week, as well as two pie charts representing the top 5 selling products and the types of payments made by customers.

Sales Activity

Go to Reports > Sales Activity to view your sales activity report.

The report includes a graph of the sales by time/day/date (corresponding to day/week/month/range view).

The report also includes the sales by time/day/date information as a list.

You can click on a time/day/date to view the list of invoices from that period (Invoice View).

Click on an invoice number to expand the invoice details.

Compare two periods

In the Compare tab, select your date ranges for Period 1 and Period 2.

The Sales Comparison table will update accordingly. It will also show the change from Period 2 to Period 1, e.g. if you made 10% more sales this week (period 1) than last week (period 2), it will show a change of +10%.

Top Selling Products

Go to Reports > Top Selling Products to view your top selling products report.

The report includes a full list of your products sorted by quantity sold (which you can adjust to sort by total sales instead).

You can filter the list by date range and product category.

What's not selling so well?

To view all the products which haven't sold at all, select "Non-Selling Products" instead of "Selling Products".

Extras/Product Variants

Click the arrow button to the left of a product to expand that product's extras (a.k.a. product variants).

Export Top Selling Products Report

There are three kinds of reports you can download:

  • Top Selling Products Report - all products with sales (including products that haven't sold at all)

  • Product Sales Report - only products that have been sold in the times defined in your filter

  • Variant Sales Report - only variants that have been sold in the times defined in your filter

Tender Report

Go to Reports > Register > Tender Report to to see a breakdown of your sales by tender.

All Successful Transactions

Under All Successful Transactions, you'll see all the tender for orders that were paid for.

  • Voucher includes purchases made with a voucher either by scanning the voucher upon checkout, or by pressing "Discounts" > "Voucher" before pressing "Pay"

  • Gift Card includes purchases made with a gift card

  • Credit Account includes purchases put to a credit account (regardless of whether credit accounts have been topped up)


As discounts can be created in a number of ways, the way the discount is reported will depend on the way that the discount was made:

  • Cash/Credit Card include discounts made through on-the-spot price changes
    e.g. if there was an on-the-spot discount of $5, and the customer paid the remaining amount by cash, it will be considered a $5 cash discount. This is also how discounts redeemed from loyalty points are recorded.

  • Coupons are recorded as their own separate tender type

Note: Price Triggers are not recorded as discounts.


The tender through which a refund was made will be shown here.

Export Tender Report

You can only export a Tender Summary when you are in the Month tab.

This includes a breakdown of your sales into tender type, without discounts or refunds.

Sales By Category Report

Go to Reports > Sales > Sales By Category to view your sales by category report. The report includes a pie chart of all the categories from which products have been sold.

A table will show the top categories ordered, and their sales.

Compare two periods

  1. Go to the COMPARE tab

  2. Select the date ranges for Period 1 and Period 2

  3. The table will update accordingly

The Change will show the percentage increase or decrease from Period 2 to Period 1.

Open Drawer History

Go to Reports > Register > Open Drawer History to view your open drawer history report. The report consists of a list of every time the cash drawer is opened, displaying the staff member who opened it and the date and time it was opened.

Ways to filter reports:

See also:

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