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Create coupons for use on your POS

Kevin Cheav avatar
Written by Kevin Cheav
Updated over 8 months ago

In this article:

  • About

  • Add a coupon

  • Add multiple coupons

  • Coupon reports

  • Redeeming coupons on mobile apps

  • Redeeming coupons in online ordering

  • Redeeming coupons in self-ordering kiosk (coming soon)


In the Abacus system, a "coupon" is a set discount that can be applied to any order at any time (unless you create conditions for it). It's designed for situations where, for example, you might have printed out $5 coupons to celebrate your store's birthday.

There are two types of coupons:

  • General: This means that it will become an extra button in the Discount popup, so that an unlimited number of customers can use it

  • Unique (or Code-Only): This means that it will be hidden completely from the POS, and will need to be entered into the system either by scanning its QR code, or by searching it up manually. Code-Only coupons may be limited in number; e.g. you may allow only the first 50 customers to redeem a coupon when it is a "Code-Only" type.

Note: When you search up a coupon code, or when you create a QR code for it, you will need to add a "$" sign first, e.g. if your coupon code is "CREAMY", you will need to look up "$CREAMY".

You can also use coupons in:

  • Mobile Apps

  • Online Ordering

  • Self-Ordering Kiosks

Add a coupon

Coupons must be set up on the backend. Go to Sales > Coupons to manage coupons.

  1. Click Add Coupon

2. Enter the coupon name and code.

3. A coupon can offer either a percentage discount or a dollar discount (flat amount). Choose one of the following:

  • Enter a Discount % (eg. enter 25 here for 25% off)

  • Enter the Discount $ offered (eg. enter 25 here for $25 off)

4. (OPTIONAL) Fill in any coupon conditions.

Select any of these coupon conditions:

  • Required Quantity: the number of products that need to be added to the order for the coupon to apply

  • Discounted Quantity: the number of products that will be discounted (supported only in specific mobile apps and online ordering setups)

  • Max Usage: defines the number of times the coupon can be used in total before it is archived. This limit is not per customer, it is global.

  • Minimum Spend: defines the minimum amount a customer must spend in order for the coupon to apply to their order.

  • Type:

    General – will create a button on the POS to trigger the discount.

    Code Only – will not appear on the POS and can only be used once.

    Multiple Code Only – will not appear on the POS and can be used infinitely unless a Max Usage it set.

  • Product: Valid only for a specific product (click to select).

  • Coupon access: Valid only when an Admin, Manager, or Staff role is logged in (click to select). If nothing is selected, any user can use the coupon.

  • Category: Valid for one or more select categories (click to select)

  • Expiry date: Valid only until the specified date (click to select)

5. Click Sync Coupons

6. Sync modifiers on the POS

Add multiple coupons

  1. Click Generate Coupons

  2. Under Is Active, select "Yes"

  3. Enter the Coupon Name, Coupon Type, Number of Coupons, Free Amount OR Discount Percentage, Expired On. the number of coupons, free amount OR discount percentage, and expiry date.

  4. Enter any other coupon conditions (optional) such as Min Spent, Max Usage, Required Quantity, Discounted Quantity, Product or Category.

  5. Click Save

  6. Click Sync Coupons

  7. Perform a Master Sync on the POS

Coupon Reports

Coupon History

Go to Sales > Coupon History to view the usage details of each coupon, and their corresponding invoice.

You can export the coupon history as a CSV file by clicking Export.

In the Invoice column of the table (to the far right), click on an invoice number to go to the corresponding invoice for the coupon used.

Sales By Coupon Report (Business Intelligence)

If you have the Business Intelligence module, you can see a summary of your coupon usage.

This shows:

  • The coupon information ("coupon name", "coupon code", "value", "expired date")

  • The "product" and "category" that the coupon is valid for (if specified) - if no product or category is specified, it is universally applicable

  • The number of invoices where a coupon was used (“number of invoices”).
    Note: this is not necessarily the number of times that a coupon was used; a coupon can be used more than once in a single transaction (e.g. $2 off per cupcake where 2 cupcakes were purchased)

  • The original order amount (“total”) prior to the coupon being applied

  • The discount incurred by the coupon (“discount”)

Redeeming coupons on mobile apps

If you have a customer mobile app, your customers may be able to redeem a coupon when they finalise their order. For mobile redemption, you can use a QR Code for your coupon.

  1. Go to any online QR code generator and create a QR Code for the Coupon Code

2. When your customer is finalising their transaction, they can can press the QR Code icon, scan it, then press Apply. They can also manually enter the alphanumeric coupon code.

Redeeming coupons in online ordering

If you use Online Ordering, you can offer coupons that can be applied upon checkout.

Please note that where there is no customer login, the coupon features is limited.

You can add any coupons that have:

  • Expiry date

  • Minimum spend

  • "Free dollar" value

  • Percentage value

  • Product

  • Category

However, these functions are not supported in online ordering:

  • Required or Discounted quantities

  • Maximum Usage

Redeeming coupons in self-ordering kiosk (coming soon)

You can distribute printed QR codes as coupons for customers to scan in on the self-ordering kiosk.

QR codes to be used on the self-ordering kiosk need to start with a $ sign.

For example, if your coupon code is "GET1", you will need to make a coupon with "$GET1".

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